Integrated Exhibition Center (1st lot) (2nd lot) – Brescia (BS) – Italy 

Integrated Exhibition Center (1st lot) 


Preliminary, final and detailed design and works supervision of structural works, following the winning of the relative design competition


Client: Immobiliare Fiera di Brescia S.p.A.

Building volume (south pavilion): 160.000 m3

Building surface (south pavilion): 17.500 m2

Structural works value: 7.000.000,00 €

Design and construction period: 1998÷2002


Realizzazione di un quartiere fieristico di nuova generazione trattato come spazio di lavoro con grandissimo flusso di operatori.

Il Padiglione di 66 m di larghezza netta, 260 m di lunghezza per un altezza variabile tra 6 e 12 m, si presenta come un volume libero, senza colonne intermedie.

La struttura del padiglione è costituita da una copertura in legno lamellare di grande luce, sostenuta da colonne perimetrali in acciaio e stralli in barre d’acciaio.

L’interrato e le opere di completamento sono in calcestruzzo armato.

Development of a new generation fairgrounds treated as a work space with great flow of operators.

The Pavilion, 66 m wide, 260 m long and with a height ranging between 6 and 12 m, is a free volume, without intermediate columns.

The structure of the pavilion consists of a glued laminated timber roof of great span, supported by perimeter steel columns and steel bars stays.

The basement and completion works are in cast in place reinforced concrete.


Integrated Exhibition Center (2nd lot)


Preliminary, final and detailed design of structural works


Client: Immobiliare Fiera di Brescia S.p.A.

Building volume (service buildings): 34.000 m3

Building surface (north pavilion): 16.000 m2

Structural works value: 17.500.000,00 €

Design period: 2004


Completion of the works of the new Brescia exhibition center.

The main structure consists of the pavilion that has two different types of finish on the roof: with metal sheet in the exhibition area and glass in the area of the “square”.

The main structures of the pavilions are made up of a series of glued laminated timber bent beams on a 66 m free span supported and stayed whith steel bars to high steel columns arranged in a modular sequence.

Service buildings: west body, east body, connecting buildings and basements are built in traditional cast in place concrete structures.

Along the “boulevard” there is a pedestrian walkway on spans of 45, 70 and 130 with double arch steel structure.

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